Best 100 Companies Career Web Sites

The approximately eighty links below go directly to the career page on the websites of companies that have been identified by Fortune magazine as the best 100 companies to work for in 2017.
The full list, containing complete profiles of each of the companies and links to their corporate website, can be reached through this link.
Descriptions and information appearing below each of the links were curated from the named company's primary website, and is current as of 03/2017. This list is not in any order whatsoever.
At Intuit we hire exceptional people in software engineering, user experience, data analytics, product management and sales. Start your career at Intuit today. · Software Engineering · Interns & Early · Product Management · Design & User Experience · Information Technology · Data
This role offers an opportunity to create next-gen, energy efficient, intelligent, wired & wireless lighting control systems for commercial & industrial applications.Acuity Brands · Benefits and Perks · Recent College Graduates. Acuity Brands offers career opportunities throughout every region of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Contact us about exploring a career near you.
Work For Weekley - David Weekley Homes
Explore Opportunities. Build Great Homes · Sell Great Homes · Support Our Teams · Develop Your Career · Explore Our Job Positions. · Explore Opportunities · Benefits & Perks · Locations · Work For Weekley · Search Jobs
Looking for investment and financial specialists, offers for students and recent graduates. A recruiting arm of Edward Jones brokerage.
Salesforce Jobs and Careers - Join the ... -'s social and mobile cloud technologies are helping companies connect with their customers, partners and employees in entirely new ways. Technology · Business · Futureforce · Careers - Careers. Salesforce helps companies connect with their customers in a whole new way.
PwC is all about you. Your personal and professional development, your achievement, your life-long learning, your individuality and your choices. Come explore ...Experienced · Campus · Executive · Military and veterans. Your career is just that: yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen. To get the best from it, you need the best opportunities.
Careers Page - CHG Healthcare Services
Careers. A Winning Culture. At CHG Healthcare, we are guided by five core ... for a position at CHG Healthcare Services is through our website and we would ...Job Search · Application Process · Benefits · Training. The only way to apply for a position at CHG Healthcare Services is through our website.
When you join Camden, you are not a number. Enjoy the support of your team as you explore new ideas and master the skills that move your career forward.
This may not have been included in Fortune's Best 100 list (check this); however, they have a really cool-looking headquarters building [below]. Since we're using their picture, we thought it was fair to list them here. Besides, it looks like a good place to work. Use the comment section below to tell us if this is correct.
2017 Careers in the Manufacturing Industry

The best manufacturing jobs for 2017 offer good wages and have a high potential for career growth in the future. A closer look at the manufacturing industry shows that this industry has faced considerable advancement recently due to new technologies.
Currently, manufactured goods that are in use daily are created utilizing the latest technologies like robotics, computer-operated machinery and 3D printing. In the U.S., the manufacturing industry ranked as the ninth largest revenue-generating industry.
As of Q4, 2016, the Year-Over-Year Percentage Change in Pay for the manufacturing industry is 1.3% according to PayScale data. This data comes from manufacturing industries such as clothing, food, plastic products as well as petroleum refineries and sawmills. The PayScale Index is one of the most reliable and easiest ways to track quarterly changes in overall cash compensation for employees who work full-time in private industries in the US. The PayScale index for manufacturing industries is 111.3 in the last quarter of 2016, whereas in 2010, it was only 104.0. This implies that there is phenomenal growth in the manufacturing industry and that salaries in this industry are increasing yearly. See Job Descriptions & Salaries
Top 10 Quick Exercises for Busy Execs

You know you need exercise to keep your body healthy. This is undisputed common knowledge, and yet a majority of people forget to do this. The most common excuse is because of their busy schedule. According to statistics, only around 20% of adults in the United States meet the recommended amount of exercise for keeping a fit and healthy body.
This is probably even more difficult for business owners, executives, and every other person chasing after their career goals, 24/7. It may be challenging to fit exercise into your daily schedule as a professional, not to mention the other roles you need to do, like being a parent, son, daughter, or a friend; but it must be done.
Find time to incorporate exercise into your hectic schedule. If you make it a habit, you’ll get used to it and it will all be part of your regular routine. If you can’t go to the gym, that’s fine as there are exercises that you can do without having to go there.
These workouts can be done at home, in your office, or even in hotel rooms. Some of them don’t even require any special exercise materials to be performed. Plus, they can be conveniently done for a short time, which is perfect for busy folks.
We want to support you in making a healthy change to your lifestyle. For this reason, we prepared this easy-on-the-eye infographic that lists quick workouts for busy business people.
How to Find the Right Job (Part 3 of 3)

When it comes to finding the right job, we all know the company has the last say in regards to deciding whether to hire you or not, and their thoughts are always a taboo of some sort, their likes and preferences. We are talking about the Hiring Managers, or basically, the representation of the company in the whole recruiting and selection process.
Mentioning hiring managers implies talking about very diverse people; they come from different careers and backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: they are looking for the best candidate to fill their vacancies.
In order to understand them, we first need to know what they actually do during the recruitment/selection process. First, if you are interested in a job with a big company, then you know this hiring manager has definitely seen many resumes, both good and bad –- even catastrophic ones, and he or she probably has a group of people helping them throughout the process. Whenever they open a new vacancy, dozens of recruiters start working towards finding the right fit for the company, and it usually takes only minutes to find the right match.
Picture this: in average, every recruiter needs to send at least three qualified candidates for one vacancy; if there are 30 recruiters working on the same request at the same time, by the end of the day, there will be at least 90 suitable candidates for the same vacancy. That is definitely too many people. You may ask yourself then, how will I get a chance among all of these people? The answer is easy -- right timing.
The recruitment process is a matter of time, the fastest, the keeper. Since hiring managers receive many resumes in very little time, the one who comes first will probably have the best chances of actually getting an interview and, as a result, getting the job!
“So how can I be faster than anyone else?” Here are a few tips to take into consideration:
- Be prepared: keep your phone on at all times and activate push notifications for your emails; your shot might come at any minute.
- Keep your resume updated and ready to go: the better it is, the faster it will get into the HM’s hands. Remember: recruiters format your resume to make it look perfect; if it is already perfect, then it will get to the company right away. If you need help perfecting your resume, try hiring a graphic designer and look up some examples online.
- If there is any paperwork/exam/agreement necessary, please complete it as quickly as you can. This could save you a lot of time.
- Check your job alerts every day. There are always new jobs posted and you could be the first one to know.
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Sous Chef Job Description

A sous chef job is the aspiration of most junior chefs. Since this job can be quite lucrative, it is crucial to understand the expectations of the sous chef position. A sous chef is second in the chain of command after the head chef.
The sous chef is an expert chef who is the deputy of the head chef with the mandate of taking the responsibility of directing food in the kitchen if the head chef is not available to perform this task. This article discusses sous chef job description below.
- He/she is answerable to the executive head chef. This means that he/she executes tasks based on instructions from the head chef.
- The sous chef is supposed to take maximum control of the kitchen staff by harmonizing their activities to ascertain they are in line with the stipulated objectives in the event that the head chef is not present.
- To co-ordinate activities of various kitchen staff to ensure food production and presentation adheres to high quality standards.
- To ensure high quality food is produced through directing food preparation by kitchen staff.
- He/she should be well equipped with loads of experience in the kitchen thus facilitating effective food preparation
- Have the ability to utilize time in a conscious manner. The sous chef should be in a position to ensure planning food preparation is done efficiently within the agreed upon timelines.
- Demonstrate strong leadership traits such as the ability to motivate all members of the kitchen staff to carry out their designated duties, delegate duties accordingly and get the job done right by the right people.
- Brainstorm food ideas with the executive head chef as well as the kitchen staff so as to devise creative ways of using food ingredients.
A sous chef's earnings significantly differ depending on their geographical location. There are notable disparities in the salary of sous chefs located in a given state but in different towns or cities. For instance, a sous chef working in Binghamton, New York, gets about $34490-$53005. This salary is computed in terms of median annual and it does not include other benefits and allowances likely to be offered. Majority of restaurant and cities base the salary on the experience the sous chef has, level of education attained. If the restaurant is big and profitable the salary can exceed the average amount. For instance in UK, Central London is considered to be the city that pays sous chefs well with an average amount of £32500.